
Missionaries, Tim and Kathy Rice at Third, Wednesday, March 26

Connect with Tim and Kathy Rice, missionaries to Republic of Congo— Wednesday, March 26 Dinner is served 5:15pm, to reserve your meal e-mail Tommy Simons The Rice's will share their story at 5:45pm Greene Room; Ground Floor. More…

Fireside Chat with Dawn and Steve Phillips

As we enter Lenten Season, you are invited to connect through Zoom and participate in period of devotion, encouragement and prayer—this Sunday, March 16 at 5pm, led by Steve and Dawn Phillips. Here is your invitation—Blessings and love to all, Tommy Topic: Fireside Chat with Steve and Dawn Phillips Time: Mar 16, 2025 05:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 849 4940 1128 More…

Seasonal Vacation Bible School a Success

We had an excellent group of volunteers, and an outstanding group of students, we played, snacked, crafted, sang, and wondered about Bible stories in the desert. More…

Urban Ministries Board releases application for Endowment Fund

The Urban Ministries Board oversees the Des Peres Baptist Church Endowment Fund. The fund is designated for ministry in the city to move forward work that assists our community in flourishing. The spring cycle applications are available. The application period is April 1 - April 30. To receive an application reach out to Dani Phillips, More…

Third Baptist Church Annual Tea Party- April 5

The annual tea party is scheduled for April 5, 2025, at 11:00 am. See Connie Vohsen for details and to secure your tickets. More…

CBF features Mary Van Rheehan

Review Prayers of the People from former CBF field personnel Mary Van Rheenen. More…

Spring Vacation Bible School

Save the afternoon: Sunday, March 9, 2025, 1-3 pm. for spring VBS ages 3-years-old-5th grade. Stay for lunch after worship and then leave your students: we'll have music, games, crafts, and Godly Play stories from the Old Testament. Please RSVP with Drew Phillips. More…

Ash Wednesday Service

March 5, 6 pm Memorial Chapel, 4th Floor Dinner is served, RSVP through Ella Banks 5:15 pm More…

Third family and friends are invited to participate in anniversary celebrations, 1850-2025

2025 Third Baptist Church anniversary celebrations: Sunday, February 23 ~ Rev. Leslie Limbaugh, All church breakfast 9:45 am Sunday, May 4 ~ Rev. Adam Banks, All church lunch followed by Cardinals vs. Mets Sunday, August 17 ~ Lunch following worship, Mark Gifford Concert 1:00 pm Sunday, September 7 ~ Dr. John Anderson, Picnic Luncheon after worship Sunday, November 9 ~ Dr. Richard Hipps, Third Missions Celebration and Breakfast 9:45 am Saturday, December 6 ~ 175th Anniversary Luncheon 12:00 pm Sunday, December 7 ~ Dr. Warren Hoffman More…

Reminder: Fireside Chat with Steve and Dawn Phillips tonight

You will enjoy season of prayer, fellowship and encouragement with our dear friends from Indianapolis: Your Zoom Invitation: More…