Jerry Bryan Offers Advice for Christians in Today’s Political Environment

August 14, 2019 Dr. Tommy Simons
Jerry Bryan

As a self-described “news junkie,” Jerry Bryan has a keen interest in current news, especially political news. Jerry says, “I live and breathe current news.”

Jerry’s interest in politics goes back to his time as a radio journalist and news director in Jefferson City, MO. While serving as a radio journalist, Jerry had the opportunity to cover both the Republican and Democratic national conventions.

At the age of 27, Jerry was invited to serve as the press secretary for then governor of Missouri, Warren Hearnes. Not only was Jerry the press secretary, he also wrote all of Governor Hearnes’ speeches and traveled extensively with the governor.

After six years serving in the Hearnes administration, Jerry moved to St. Louis where he became involved in investor relations and corporate public relations before founding his own consulting firm, but his interest in politics remained.

Jerry has some advice for Christians in this current political environment. When faced with a controversial issue that is upsetting, he encourages Christians to stop and take a deep breath. Look at the issue objectively. Then ask yourself, how does this issue square with my values? After looking at the issue in light of your values, ask yourself, do my values reinforce my position or do I need to change my position on the issue? Jerry says, “This is the same process journalists use. View things objectively and test against your own values.”

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