Tisha Brooks collaborates with the National Museum of African American History and Culture

September 1, 2024 Danielle Phillips

Tisha Brooks has collaborated with the National Museum of African American History and Culture and wanted to share opportunities for our church membership and broader community to benefit from the visit--events will take place on both sides of the river and you can learn more and register for events here.

The first event might be of particular interest as it's sponsored by the Smithsonian's Center for the Study of African American Religious Life.  They are hosting a screening of the film (6-8pm), a pre-screening reception (5-6pm) and post-screening panel discussion and Q&A (8-9pm) so folks will have the opportunity to meet the film producer and talk with the director of the Smithsonian's Center for the Study of African American Religious Life.

If you have questions please reach out to Tisha Brooks. 

Categories: Event News