October Mission Focus

October 7, 2024 Danielle Phillips

September Visit Kihomi and Nzunga: Our missionaries are like rock stars as we know
them on a first-name basis. Please take a moment to read the reflections of our
members on their visit in the October TBC Newsletter. Nzunga spoke about the Eye
Clinic in Cap Haitian which was in desperate need of a new air conditioner. The
replacement is underway. Your gifts to our “World Missions” offering allowed the
Mission Team to send a check of $1000.00 to offset some of the cost of that project.

Remembering Lebanon: Our September Mission Highlights focused on Lebanon.
Please continue to remember our Christian friends in that part of the world as it is being
torn apart. As noted in our Missions E-Mail, times as this open doors for ministry to
non-Christians seeking safety, acceptance, and refuge. Pray that in these dark
circumstances, Christ’s light will shine as a beacon of hope.

Local Missions: Each month we provide “Brown Bag” lunches to Gateway180. Thank
you to the many groups who participated in organizing the bags for delivery. Please note
that Gateway180 is very dependent on donations for items needed by clients. Critically
needed items include Women's underwear (XS, S, M, L, XL) and Girls' underwear
(sizes 14 & 16). A list of needs is posted each week on Facebook and Instagram.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gateway180stl/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gateway180stl/

See Peggy Pittenger or Jane Russell for more information. A box will be available to
receive donations.

CAC Adopt a Child: We have received names, needs, and wants from our CAC
children. As of the beginning of October, we are adopting 21 children. Now we can
shop, shop, shop. Many thanks for the individuals, families, and groups who have
stepped up to take this on. It is not too late to request a child or donate to the cause.
The last date to adopt is October 31st.

We will need volunteers for wrapping gifts in early December. And we would be grateful
for donations of Christmas wrapping paper.

Hurricane Helene: Your missions’ team has requested $1000.00 be sent for Hurricane
Helene relief. Half will go to Samaritan’s Purse and half to Cooperative Baptist
Fellowship (CBF) to provide immediate as well as long term care to those affected by
this disaster.

Coming in November: Our Missions Christmas Offering this year is designated for
American Baptist Church’s (ABC) World Missions Offering. Look for more information in

Categories: Missionary Updates