Service Music 2022
Third Baptist Music List, January–December, 2022
Sermon Series for January: Follow The Star
JANUARY 2 [Christmas I – The Journey of the Wise Men]
Prelude: Richard Purvis: Greensleeves (organ)
Introit: Benjamin Britten: A New Year Carol
Music for Communion: Alexander Archangelsky: Trisagion
Poem: Robert Herrick: Another New Year’s Gift
Hymn of Affirmation #278 Angels, We Have Heard On High [GLORIA]
Offertory: Robert Schumann: Sylvesterlied (op. 68, 43) (piano)
Anthem: Witold Lutoslawski: The Holly And The Ivy
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration: The Old Year Now Away Is Fled [GREENSLEEVES]
Postlude: J. S. Bach: In dir ist Freude (BWV 615) (organ)
JANUARY 9 [Epiphany – The Star Leads The Three Kings To Bethlehem]
Prelude: Charles Raymond Cronham: The Kings of the Orient March (organ)
Poem: Christina Rossetti: A Christmas Carol (The Shepherds had an angel)
Hymn of Affirmation #288: We Three Kings [KINGS OF ORIENT]
Offertory: Niels Gade: Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern (organ)
Responsorial Psalm 89, vv. 25-29; 36-37
Anthem: John Rutter: The Star Carol
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration #290: As With Gladness Men Of Old [DIX]
Postlude: Larry Shackley: Follow The Star (As With Gladness Men Of Old) (piano)
JANUARY 16 [Epiphany II – Follow The Star) (MLK Weekend)]
Prelude: Randall Hartsell: Morning Star Etude (piano)
Introit: Virgil Thomson: The Morning Star
Poem: Malcolm Guite: Epiphany
Hymn of Affirmation #258: Go, Tell It On The Mountain [GO TELL IT]
Offertory: Emma Lou Diemer: Go, Tell It On The Mountain (piano)
Responsorial Psalm 8
Anthem: arr. Mack Wilberg: Oh, Watch The Stars
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration: Brightest And Best Are The Sons Of The Morning [MORNING STAR]
Postlude: Richard Elliott: Go, Tell It On The Mountain (organ)
JANUARY 23 [Epiphany III – The Command of the Star]
Prelude: Thomas Attwood: Sonatina #3 in F (piano)
Introit: Thomas Attwood: Teach Me, O Lord, The Way Of Thy Statutes
Poem: Laurence Housman: O Light of Light
Hymn of Affirmation: What Star Is This? [PUER NOBIS]
Offertory: W. A. Mozart Adagio in F (K. 594) (organ)
Responsorial Psalm 119, vv. 1 – 8
Anthem: Thomas Attwood: O God, Who By The Leading Of A Star
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration: #571 Trust And Obey [TRUST AND OBEY]
Postlude: Thomas Attwood: Cathedral Fugue (piano & organ)
JANUARY 30 [Epiphany IV – Jesus Leads Us]
Prelude: Edward Macdowell: Starlight (op. 55, 4)! (piano)
Introit: Peter Cornelius: The Three Kings (solo version)
Poem: Robert Herrick: Tell Us, Thou Clear And Heavenly Tongue
Hymn of Affirmation: Earth Hath Many a Noble City [STUTTGART]
Offertory: Pietro Cattaneo: Trumpet Tune on ‘Stuttgart’ (organ)
Responsorial Psalm 61
Anthem: Felix Mendelssohn: There Shall a Star Come Forth (from Christus)
Hymn of Affirmation #289: Adoration – Worship The Lord [JANICE]
Postlude: Sasha Johnson Manning: January (A Year at Third) (piano)
Sermon Series for February: Love Is A Many Splendored Thing
FEBRUARY 6 [Epiphany V]
Prelude: Richard Proulx: Now The Green Blade Riseth (organ)
Introit: Edgar Pettman: Love Came Down At Christmas
Music for Communion: James Macmillan: The Galloway Mass
Hymn of Communion #460: Let Us Break Bread Together [LET US BREAK BREAD]
Offertory: Dan Forrest: What Wondrous Love Is This? (piano)
Anthem: Hal Hopson: The Gift of Love
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration #256: Love Has Come! [BRING A TORCH]
Postlude: Germaine Tailleferre: Romance (piano)
FEBRUARY 13 [Epiphany VI]
Prelude: Herbert Howells: Master Tallis’s Testament, I (organ)
Introit: Thomas Tallis: If Ye Love Me
Poem: Medieval, Anonymous: Where Charity And Love Are
Hymn of Affirmation #683: The King Of Love My Shepherd Is [DOMINUS REGIT ME]
Offertory: Herbert Howells: Master Tallis’s Testament, II (organ)
Responsorial Psalm 116, vv. 1 – 9
Anthem: Herbert Howells: Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration #508: Love Lifted Me [HE LIFTED ME]
Postlude: Herbert Howells: Master Tallis’s Testament, III (organ)
FEBRUARY 20 [ Love That Will Not Let Me Go]
Prelude: Sammy Fain: Love Is A Many Splendored Thing (arr. George Shearing) (piano)
Poem: George Herbert: The Glance
Hymn of Affirmation: arr. John Ferguson: Shall We Gather At The River?]
Offertory: Richard Proulx: Where Charity And Love Prevail (organ)
Responsorial Psalm 57, vv. 7 – 11
Anthem: Elaine Hagenberg: O Love
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration: Jeremiah Clarke: Immortal Love, For Ever Full [BISHOPTHORPE]
Postlude: Nancy Hill Cobb: Prelude on ‘Foundation’ (organ)
FEBRUARY 27 [ Love Divine]
Prelude: Sasha Johnson Manning: February (A Year at Third) (piano)
Introit: William Grant Still: Here’s One
Poem: Martin Luther King, jr.: The Redemptive Power Of Love
Hymn of Affirmation #606: O Lord, That Will Not Let Me Go [ST. MARGARET]
Offertory: Samuel Coleridge-Taylor: Molto Moderato (Three Impromptus, 2, op. 78) (organ)
Responsorial Psalm 126
Anthem: Sid Davis: More Love
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration #648: Love Divine, All Loves Excelling [BEECHER]
Postlude: Samuel Coleridge-Taylor: Un Sonnet d’Amour (Petite Suite de Concert, 3) (piano)
Sermon Series for Lent: Happy to be Led to the Cross
MARCH 2 [Ash Wednesday]
Poem: Malcolm Guite: God So Loved The World
Richard Farrant: Lord, For Thy Tender Mercy’s Sake
Henry Purcell: Thou Knowest, Lord, the Secrets Of Our Hearts
John Stainer: God So Loved The World
MARCH 6 [Lent I] (I’ll go with Him all the way)
Prelude: J. S. Bach: O Mensch bewein dein Sünde groß (BWV 622) (organ)
Introit: Laura Story: Remember
Music for Communion: James Macmillan: The Galloway Mass
Hymn of Communion #461: In Remembrance Of Me [RED]
Offertory: Jonathan Peacock: God Leads Us Along (piano)
Anthem: Josephine Poelinitz: City Called Sorrow
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration #593: Where He Leads Me [NORRIS]
Postlude: C. P. E. Bach: Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ (organ)
MARCH 13 [Lent II] (The Way of the Cross leads home)
Prelude: Henry Balfour Gardiner: De Profundis (piano)
Introit: S. S. Wesley: Lead Me, Lord
Poem: Annie Johnson Flint: The Way of the Cross
Hymn of Affirmation #682: Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah [CWM RHONDDA]
Offertory: Sasha Johnson Manning: Distant Thoughts of the Road to Calvary (world premiere) (piano)
Responsorial Psalm 5, vv. 1 – 5, 7 – 8
Anthem: Suzanne Toolan: Jesus Christ, Inner Light
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration #697: The Way Of The Cross Leads Home [WAY OF THE CROSS]
Postlude: Dan Forrest: Lead Me To Calvary (piano)
MARCH 20 [Lent III] (God Leads Us) (First Day of Spring)
Prelude: Charles Callahan: Meditation on the Divine Sacrifice (organ)
Introit: Eugene Butler: Walk Softly In Springtime
Poem: Robert Frost: A Prayer In Spring
Hymn of Affirmation: Lead Us, Heavenly Father, Lead Us [DULCE CARMEN]
Offertory: Edvard Grieg: To The Spring (op. 43, 6) (piano)
Responsorial Psalm 25, vv. 4 – 10
Anthem: Sasha Johnson Manning: De Profundis (written for TBC)
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration #696: God Leads Us Along [GOD LEADS US]
Postlude: David Blackwell: Herzliebster Jesu (organ)
MARCH 27 (“Rock that higher is than I“) [Lent IV]
Prelude: Sasha Johnson Manning: March (A Year at Third) (piano)
Introit: Don Wyrtzen: I Know Where I’m Going
Poem: Jones Very: Lead Me To The Rock That Is Higher Than I
Hymn of Affirmation #724: Lead On, O King Eternal [LANCASHIRE]
Offertory: Craig Phillips: Were You There (organ)
Responsorial Psalm 5, vv. 1 – 8
Anthem: Healey Willan: Surely He Has Borne Our Griefs
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration #549: I’m Pressing On The Upward Way [HIGHER GROUND]
Postlude: Cindy Berry: Higher Ground (piano)
Sermon Series for April: Deliverance
APRIL 3 [Lent V]
Prelude: Sigfrid Karg-Elert: O Welt ich muss dich lassen (op. 65, 21) (organ)
Music for Communion: James Macmillan: The Galloway Mass
Hymn of Communion #464: Come To The Table [COME TO THE TABLE]
Offertory: Craig Courtney, arr. Dan Forrest: Be Not Afraid (piano)
Anthem: Joyce Elaine Eilers: Thy Will Be Done
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration #564: Just A Closer Walk With God [CLOSER WALK]
Postlude: Didrich Buxtehude: Durch Adams Fall ist ganz verderbt (BuxWV 183) (organ)
APRIL 10 [Palm Sunday]
Prelude: Sasha Johnson Manning: April (A Year at Third) (piano)
Introit: Richard DeLong: A Sacred Song for Palm Sunday
Poem: G. K. Chesterton: The Donkey
Hymn of Affirmation #300: All Glory Laud And Honor [ST. THEODULPH]
Offertory: Edvard Grieg: Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend (organ)
Responsorial Psalm 118, vv. 19 – 27
Anthem: John Carter: A Palm Sunday Processional
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration: Ride On, Ride On In Majesty [WINCHESTER NEW]
Postlude: J. S. Bach: Fantasia (BWV 572) (arr. Arnold Bax) (piano)
APRIL 15 (Good Friday) [Soloists: Perseid String Quartet]
Poem: Christina Rossetti: Good Friday
Henry Purcell: Chacony
Bedrich Smetana: Adagio from ‘From My Life’ string quartet
Sasha Johnson Manning: ‘O Sacred Head, Sore Wounded’ (written for TBC) (world premiere)
J. S. Bach: Chaconne from Partita #in D minor (BWV 1004)
APRIL 17 [Easter]
Prelude: J. S. Bach: Christ lag in Todesbanden (BWV 625) (organ)
Introit: Charles Wood: This Joyful Eastertide
Poem: Edmund Spenser: Most Glorious Lord Of Life
Music for Communion: James Macmillan: The Galloway Mass
Hymn of Affirmation #360: Jesus Christ Is Risen Today [LLANFAIR]
Offertory: Emma Lou Diemer: Great Day! (piano)
Responsorial Psalm 16, vv. 8 – 11
Anthem: Keith Hampton: Praise His Holy Name
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration #365 Alleluia! Alleluia! [HYMN TO JOY]
Postlude: Joseph Jongen: Toccata (organ)
APRIL 24 [Low Sunday] [NO CHOIR]
Prelude: Paul Paviour: This Joyful Eastertide (piano)
Poem: Alice Meynell: Easter Night
Hymn of Affirmation #368: He Lives! [ACKLEY]
Offertory: Mark Hayes: Blessed Assurance (organ)
Responsorial Psalm 118, vv. 14 – 24
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration #366: I Live [I LIVE]
Postlude: Sasha Johnson Manning: A Low Sunday Celebration (piano & organ)
Sermon Series for May: Walking With The Lord
MAY 1 [Easter II]
Prelude: Johannes Brahms: Herzlich tut mich erfreuen, op. 122, no. 4 (organ)
Music for Communion: James Macmillan: The Galloway Mass
Hymn of Communion #463: I Will Remember Thee [MANOAH]
Offertory: Enrique Granados: May Song (op. 1, 3) (piano)
Anthem: Russell Nagy: The Emmaus Road
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration #536: Have Faith In God [MUSKOGEE]
Postlude: Rene Vierne: Sortie in D major (Ten Pieces for Organ, 5) (organ)
MAY 8 [Easter III]
Prelude: Franz Drdla: Souvenir (piano)
Poem: George Herbert: Easter
Hymn of Affirmation: Maurice Bevan: There’s A Wideness In God’s Mercy [COVERDALE]
Offertory: Frank Bridge: Adagio in E (organ)
Responsorial Psalm 34, vv. 1 – 8
Anthem: Jane Marshall: He Comes To Us
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration: #604: I Then Shall Live [FINLANDIA]
Postlude: Jean Sibelius: Valse Triste (piano)
MAY 15 [Easter IV]
Prelude: Healey Willan: Prelude on Angel’s Song (organ)
Poem: Cecil Frances Alexander: There Is A Green Hill
Hymn of Affirmation #607: Close To Thee [CLOSE TO THEE]
Offertory: Sasha Johnson Manning: May (A Year at Third) (piano)
Responsorial Psalm 105, vv. 1 – 10
Anthem: Geoffrey O’Hara: I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration #598: Wherever He Leads I’ll Go [FALLS CREEK]
Postlude: J. S. Bach: Fugue in E minor (BWV 535) (organ)
MAY 22 [Easter V]
Prelude: Duke Ellington: Come Sunday (piano)
Introit: Anne Krentz Organ: We Walk By Faith
Poem: Langston Hughes: In Time Of Silver Rain
Hymn of Affirmation #602: I Have Decided To Follow Jesus [ASSAM]
Offertory: Marianne Kim: Sweet Hour OF Prayer (organ)
Responsorial Psalm 1
Anthem: David von Kampen: I Want Jesus To Walk With Me
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration #589: Here I Am, Lord [HERE I AM LORD]
Postlude: Ludovico Einaudi: Passaggio (piano)
MAY 29 [Sunday after Ascension] (Memorial Day Weekend)
Prelude: Linda Margetts: Prelude on ‘Crusaders Hymn’ (organ)
Introit: Andrea Ramsey: God Be In My Head
Poem: Edward Taylor: God Is Gone Up With A Triumphant Shout
Hymn of Affirmation: Horatio Parker: Rejoice, The Lord Of Life Ascends [PARKER]
Offertory: Edward Macdowell: Idyl (op. 28, 1) (piano)
Responsorial Psalm 34, vv. 13 – 22
Anthem: Arthur Hutchings: God Is Gone Up
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration #804: Battle Hymn of the Republic [BATTLE HYMN]
Postlude: Nancy Hill Cobb: Prelude on ‘Foundation’ (organ)
Sermon Series for June: The Gifts of Pentecost and Trinity
JUNE 5 [Pentecost/Whitsunday] [150th Anniversary of the birth of Ralph Vaughan Williams] (Gift of the Holy Spirit)
Prelude: Vaughan Williams Prelude on ‘Rhosymedre’ (organ)
Introit: Vaughan Williams: O Taste And See
Music for Communion: James Macmillan: The Galloway Mass
Hymn of Communion: Vaughan Williams: Come Down, O Love Divine [DOWN AMPNEY]
Offertory: Herbert Howells: Pavane for Ralph (piano)
Anthem: Vaughan Williams: Hymn for Whitsunday
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration #63: Vaughan Williams: All Creatures Of Our God And King [LASST UNS ERFREUEN]
Postlude: Vaughan Williams: Fantasia on ‘Greensleeves’ (piano)
JUNE 12 [Trinity Sunday) (Gift of the Doctrine of the Trinity)
Prelude: Marianne Kim: Fanfare on ‘Nicaea’ (organ)
Introit: Mikhail Ippolitov Ivanov: Come, Bless The Lord
Poem: Malcolm Guite: A Sonnet for Trinity Sunday
Hymn of Affirmation #3: Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty [NICAEA]
Offertory: Peter Tchaikovsky: Humoreske (op. 10, 2) (piano)
Responsorial Psalm 148
Anthem: Peter Tchaikovsky: Holy, Blessed Trinity
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration: Dmitri Bortniansky: Before Thy Throne, O God, We Kneel [ST. PETERSBURG]
Postlude: Georgi Mushel: Toccata (organ)
JUNE 19 [Trinity I] (Gift of the Father) [Soloists: Laura Swearingen & David Miller]
Prelude: Alexander Scriabin: Prelude for the Left Hand (piano)
Introit: Pelham Humphrey: A Hymne to God the Father
Poem: John Donne: Batter My Heart
Hymn of Affirmation #141: Father God [FATHER GOD]
Offertory: Florence Price: Adoration (organ)
Responsorial Psalm 97
Anthem: Bob Fitts: Blessed Be The Lord God Almighty (Father In Heaven)
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration #808: Eternal Father, Strong To Save [MELITA]
Postlude: Sasha Johnson Manning: June (A Year at Third) (piano)
JUNE 26 [Trinity II] (Gift of the Son) (1st Sunday of Summer) [Soloists: Heather Fehl & Solomon Wilken]
Prelude: J. S. Bach: Jesu, Joy Of Man’s Desiring (arr. Myra Hess) (piano)
Poem: Michael Leunig: We Welcome Summer
Hymn of Affirmation #623 Jesus, Priceless Treasure [JESU, MEINE FREUDE]
Offertory: Agathe Backer-Grøndahl: Summer Song (op. 45, 3) (piano)
Responsorial Psalm 145, vv. 1 – 14
Anthem: Arnold Sherman: Create In Me A New Heart, O God
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration #305 Jesus Paid It All [ALL TO CHRIST]
Postlude: J. S. Bach: O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig (BWV 618) (organ)
Sermon Series for July: Advice from The Book of Psalms
JULY 3 [Trinity III] (Psalm 100 – Be Joyful!) [Full Choir]
Prelude: Herbert Howells: A Triumph Song (piano)
Music for Communion: Martha Shaffer: Come, Risen Lord
Hymn of Communion: All People That On Earth Do Dwell [OLD 100TH]
Offertory: Herbert Howells: Aria (Six Short Pieces) (organ)
Anthem: Leo Sowerby: Jubilate Deo in C major (Unison)
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration #210: Praise To The Lord, The Almighty [LOBE DEN HERREN]
Postlude: Max Reger: Chorale Prelude on “Lobe den Herren” (organ)
JULY 10 [Trinity IV] (Psalm 121) (Be Guided!) (Soloists: Heather Fehl & Shannon McFarland)
Prelude: Joel Martinson: Aria on a Chaconne (organ)
Poem: Clara M. Brooks: Guide Me
Hymn of Affirmation: I To The Hills Will Lift Mine Eyes [DUNDEE]
Offertory: Germaine Tailleferre: Larghetto (piano)
Responsorial Psalm 121: I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes Unto The Hills
Anthem: Malcolm Williamson: I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes (2-part)
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration #682: Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah [CWM RHONDDA]
Postlude: Franklin Ritter: Lead On, O God Eternal (organ)
JULY 17 [Trinity V] (Psalm 46) (Be Confident!) [Soloists: Laura Swearingen & Solomon Wilken]
Prelude: Peggy Glanville-Hicks: Prelude for a Pensive Pupil (piano)
Poem: George Herbert: The Hold-fast
Hymn of Affirmation #578 Trusting Jesus [TRUSTING JESUS]
Offertory: George Shearing: I Love Thee, My Lord (organ)
Responsorial Psalm 46: God Is Our Strength
Anthem: [Hymn # 734] Tom Fettke: Be Strong In The Lord
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration #701 Joyce Montemayor: God Is My Refuge [GOD IS MY REFUGE]
Postlude: Sasha Johnson Manning: July (A Year at Third) (piano)
JULY 24 [Trinity VI] (Psalm 23 – Be Comforted!) [Soloists: Heather Fehl & Dick Deitte)
Prelude: Gilbert Martin: Brother James’ Air (organ)
Poem: Malcolm Guite: Response to Psalm 23
Hymn of Affirmation #694: The Lord’s My Shepherd [CRIMOND]
Offertory: Howard Goodall: Psalm 23 (piano)
Responsorial Psalm 23: The Lord is My Shepherd
Anthem: John Carter: The Shepherd’s Psalm
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration #613: All Your Anxiety [ALL YOUR ANXIETY]
Postlude: Charles Callahan: The Rejoicing (organ)
JULY 31 [Trinity VII] (Be Glad!) [Soloists: Laura Swearingen & David Miller]
Prelude: Bedrich Smetana: Praeludium (op. 4, 1) (piano)
Poem: Frank McEleny: Psalm 122
Hymn of Affirmation: Jerusalem, The Golden [EWING]
Offertory: Bedrich Smetana: Chanson (op. 2, 2) (piano)
Responsorial Psalm: I Was Glad When They Said Unto Me
Anthem: Witold Lutoslawski: Hey! We Rejoice Now (solo)
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration #370 Rejoice, The Lord Is King [DARWALL]
Postlude: Aaron Copland: Midday Thoughts (piano)
Sermon Series for August: Forgiveness
AUGUST 7 [Trinity VIII] [Full Choir; Brook sub for Laura]
Prelude: Joseph Jongen: Pastorale (organ)
Music for Communion: Martha Shaffer: Come, Risen Lord
Hymn of Communion #459 We Remember You [WE REMEMBER YOU]
Offertory: J. S. Bach: Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten sein (BWV 668) (arr. Dorothea Salmon) (piano)
Anthem: César Franck: O Lord, Most Holy (Panis Angelicus) (FWV 61, 5)
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration: Forgive Our Sins As We Forgive [DUMFERLINE]
Postlude: René Vierne: Caprice (organ)
AUGUST 14 [Trinity IX] [Soloists: Heather Fehl & Shannon McFarland]
Prelude: Horatio Parker: Revery (organ)
Poem: John Monsell: I Hunger And Thirst
Hymn of Affirmation #720 Come, Every One Who Is Thirsty [RIDER]
Offertory: Sasha Johnson Manning: August (A Year at Third) (world premiere) (piano)
Responsorial Psalm 42, vv. 1 – 5
Anthem: Peter Hurford: Litany to the Holy Spirit (2-part)
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration: Hubert Parry: Dear Lord and Father of Mankind [REPTON]
Postlude: William Lloyd Webber: Festal March (organ)
AUGUST 21 [Trinity X] [Soloists: Laura Swearingen & Dick Deitte]
Prelude: Chilly Gonzales: Prelude in C sharp minor (piano)
Poem: Edward Taylor: from “Preparatory Meditations/First Set”
Hymn of Affirmation #213 We Bring The Sacrifice Of Praise [WE BRING THE SACRIFICE]
Offertory: Dan Locklair: Rubrics: … and the peace may be exchanged (organ)
Responsorial Psalm 40, vv. 1 – 6
Anthem: Alfred Malotte: The Lord’s Prayer (solo)
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration #604 I Then Shall Live [FINLANDIA]
Postlude: Franz Schubert: Ständchen (arr. Franz Liszt) (piano)
AUGUST 28 [Trinity XI] [The Gift of Bach] [Solo Ensemble]
Prelude: J. S. Bach: Liebster Jesu, Wir Sind Hier (BWV 731) (arr. Harriet Cohen) (piano)
Introit: J. S. Bach: Forget Me Not (Vergiss Mein Nicht)
Poem: Charles Tomlinson: If Bach Had Been A Beekeeper
Hymn of Affirmation: J. S. Bach: Blessed Jesus, At Thy Word [LIEBSTER JESU]
Offertory: J. S. Bach: Largo (from Trio Sonata II) (BWV 526) (organ)
Responsorial Psalm 32
Anthem: J. S. Bach: Awake, Lord, And Hasten
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration #521 A New Name In Glory [NEW NAME]
Postlude: J. S. Bach: Fantasia in C minor (piano)
Sermon Series for September: (Fighting the Corruption of This World)
(Choral Services Resume)
SEPTEMBER 4 (Labor Day Weekend) [Trinity XII] (Reviving Joyless London) (PURCELL)
Prelude: Henry Purcell: Trumpet Tune in D (Z. 697) (organ)
Introit: Henry Purcell: Thou Knowest, Lord, the Secrets Of Our Hearts
Music for Communion: Martha Shaffer: Come, Risen Lord
Hymn of Communion: Henry Purcell (attr.): When Came In Flesh The Incarnate Word [WALSALL]
Offertory: Henry Purcell: Chacony in G minor (organ)
Anthem: Henry Purcell: Man That Is Born Of A Woman
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration: Christ Is Made The Sure Foundation (WESTMINSTER ABBEY]
Postlude: Henry Purcell: Toccata in A major (Z. D229) (piano)
SEPTEMBER 11 [Trinity XIII] (Rejecting the Moral Corruption of Venice) (VIVALDI)
Prelude: Antonio Vivaldi: Largo (RV 746) (organ)
Introit: Ottavio Pitoni: Come Ye With Joyfulness (orig. Cantate Domino)
Poem: Lord Byron: Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage
Hymn of Affirmation: #8 Come, Thou Almighty King [ITALIAN HYMN]
Offertory: Antonio Vivaldi: Allegro (RV 746) (organ)
Responsorial Psalm 14
Anthem: Antonio Vivaldi: Sing To the Lord (orig. Domine Ad Adjuvandum, RV 593)
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration: Palestrina: The Strife Is O’er
Postlude: J. S. Bach: Organ Concerto in A minor BWV 593 (after Vivaldi RV 522), movt. 1 (organ)
SEPTEMBER 18 [Trinity XIV] (Finding God in Hell’s Kitchen) (FANNY CROSBY)
Prelude: Dale Wood: Come, Thou Fount Of Every Blessing (organ)
Introit: Hymn #441 Fanny Crosby’s Rescue The Perishing
Poem: Fanny Crosby: City Of Gold
Hymn of Affirmation #489: Fanny Crosby’s Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior [PASS ME NOT]
Offertory: Sasha Johnson Manning: September (A Year at Third) (world premiere) (piano)
Responsorial Psalm 139, vv. 9 – 13
Anthem: arr. Robert Hebble: To God Be The Glory
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration #572: Fanny Crosby’s Blessed Assurance [ASSURANCE]
Postlude: Irina Popov: Fanfare on “Blessed Assurance” (organ)
SEPTEMBER 25 [Trinity XV] (Feeding the Soul in Soviet Moscow) (ALFRED SCHNITTKE)
Prelude: Alfred Schnittke: Prelude in A flat major (piano)
Introit: Alfred Schnittke: Lord Jesus, Son Of God
Poem: Anna Akhmatova: Prologue (from “Requiem”)
Hymn of Affirmation: #466 Jesus, Our Lord And King [TRENTHAM]
Offertory: Alfred Schnittke: Tango (from Concerto Grosso #1) (piano)
Responsorial Psalm 42, vv. 1 – 5
Anthem: arr. Walter Parratt: Russian Kontakion of the Departed
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration: Dmitri Bortniansky: Before Thy Throne, O God, We Kneel [ST. PETERSBURG]
Postlude: Alfred Schnittke: Fugue in B minor (piano)
Sermon Series for October: Stewardship
OCTOBER 2 [Trinity XVI]
Prelude: Samuel Coleridge-Taylor: Impromptu #2 (organ)
Introit: Deborah Govenor: Invitation to Communion
Music for Communion: John Rutter: Communion Service
Hymn of Communion: #463 I Will Remember Thee [MANOAH]
Offertory: Dobrinka Tabakova: Nocturne (organ)
Anthem: Ken Medema: Come, Build A Church
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration: #442 Each One, Reach One [EACH ONE, REACH ONE]
Postlude: Amy Beach: In Autumn (op. 15, 1) (piano)
OCTOBER 9 [Trinity XVII]
Prelude: Henry Purcell: Prelude in C minor “With Him He Brings The Partner” (ZT. 681) (piano)
Introit: Christopher Tye: Give Almes Of Thy Goods
Poem: George Herbert: The Elixir
Hymn of Affirmation: Daniel Damon’s Jesus, Partner, Lover, Friend
Offertory: Sasha Johnson Manning: October (A Year at Third) (world premiere) (piano)
Responsorial Psalm 104, vv. 27 – 30
Anthem: Andrae Crouch: My Tribute
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration #429 They’ll Know We Are Christians [ST. BRENDAN’S]
Postlude: J. S. Bach (arr. Morée): Chorale Prelude “Jesus, unser Trost und Leben” (piano)
Prelude: Felix Mendelssohn (arr. Moree): Chorale Prelude “Herzliebster Jesu” (piano)
Introit: Felix Mendelssohn: See What Love Hath The Father
Poem: Rainer Maria Rilke: Autumn Day (translated by Annette Grendler)
Hymn of Affirmation: arr. Mendelssohn: O Word Of God Incarnate [MUNICH]
Offertory: Felix Mendelssohn (arr. Moree): “Vater Unser im Himmelreich” (piano)
Responsorial Psalm 89
Anthem: Grant Us Thy Peace, O Lord (orig. Verleih’ uns Frieden)
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration: Mendelssohn: In Heavenly Love [SEASONS]
Postlude: Fanny Mendelssohn: Prelude in F major (organ)
OCTOBER 23 [Trinity XIX] [Kodaly Educators’ Conference]
Prelude: Zoltán Kodály: Epigrams, 1 (organ)
Introit: Zoltán Kodály: Prayer for Honor
Reading: Zoltán Kodály on Music
Hymn of Affirmation: #9 Glorify Thy Name [GLORIFY THY NAME]
Offertory: Zoltán Kodály: Allegro Giocoso (Nine Pieces, op. 3, 7)
Responsorial Psalm 137, vv. 28 – 31; 37 – 40
Anthem: : Zoltán Kodály: Psalm 114
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration: Charles Wesley: When Israel Out Of Egypt Came [EISENACH]
Postlude: Zoltán Kodály: Epigrams, 5 (organ)
OCTOBER 30 [Trinity XX] (HANDEL)
Prelude: G. F. Handel: Sonatina (from Aylesford Pieces) (piano)
Introit: G. F. Handel: Forever Blessed Be Thy Name
Poem: Thomas Cranmer: Collect for the 20th Sunday after Trinity
Hymn of Affirmation: Handel: Rejoice, The Lord Is King [GOPSAL]
Offertory: G. F. Handel: Sarabande in E minor (HWV 438, 2) (piano)
Responsorial Psalm 1
Anthem: G. F. Handel: From The East Unto The West (from “Solomon”)
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration: Handel: Thine Be The Glory (JUDAS MACCABAEUS]
Postlude: G. F. Handel: Largo (from “Xerxes”) (organ)
Sermon Series for November: Walking In Faith
NOVEMBER 6 [Trinity XXI, Sunday after All Saints’ Day]
Prelude: Cindy Berry: For All The Saints (piano)
Introit: Stanley Marchant: Souls Of The Righteous
Music for Communion: John Rutter: Communion Service
Hymn of Communion: Peggy Spencer Palmer: I Hunger and I Thirst [SMITTEN ROCK]
Offertory: Dale Wood: O Master, Let Me Walk With Thee (organ)
Anthem: David von Kampen: I Want Jesus To Walk With Me
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration: #767 For All The Saints [SINE NOMINE]
Postlude: John Weaver: Sine Nomine (organ)
NOVEMBER 13 [Trinity XXII]
Prelude: William Lloyd Webber: Prelude on “St. Cross” (organ)
Introit: arr. Ian Humphris: Walk In Jerusalem
Poem: Philip Terman: Walking to Jerusalem
Hymn of Affirmation: #416 We’re Marching To Zion (vv. 1 & 3) [MARCHING TO ZION]
Offertory: George Shearing: Jerusalem, My Happy Home (organ)
Responsorial Psalm 119, vv. 1 – 10
Anthem: Howard Helvey: We Walk By Faith And Not By Sight
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration: E. H. Plumptre: Thy Hand, O God, Has Guided [THORNBURY]
Postlude: Amy Beach: Promenade (op. 25, 1) (piano)
NOVEMBER 20 [Trinity XXIII, Christ the King)]
Prelude: Edvard Grieg: Andante con sentimento (Poetic Tone Pictures, op. 3, 4) (piano)
Introit: C. V. Stanford: O For A Closer Walk With God
Poem: Malcolm Guite: The Feast of Christ the King
Hymn of Affirmation: Thomas Ken: Awake, My Soul (vv. 1 – 4) [MORNING HYMN]
Offertory: Edvard Grieg: Jesus, meine Zuversicht (organ)
Responsorial Psalm 8
Anthem: Twila Paris (arr. Jack Schrader): We Will Glorify
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration #97 Sing Praise To God Who Reigns Above [MIT FREUDEN ZART]
Postlude: Sasha Johnson Manning: November (A Year at Third) (world premiere) (piano)
The Season of Advent: Looking for the Star
NOVEMBER 27 (Advent I) (Thanksgiving Weekend)
Prelude: J. S. Bach: Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme (BWV 645) (organ)
Introit: arr. Mack Wilberg: O Watch The Stars
Poem: Charles Reznikoff: Te Deum
Hymn of Affirmation: #244 Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus [STUTTGART]
Offertory: George Winston: Thanksgiving (piano)
Responsorial Psalm 69, vv. 30 – 36
Anthem: Richard Horn: A Shoot Shall Come Forth
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration #786 Count Your Blessings [BLESSINGS]
Postlude: J. S. Bach: Nun komm der Heiden Heiland (BWV 599) (organ)
DECEMBER 4 (Advent II)
Prelude: Dan Forrest: Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne (piano)
Introit: Felix Mendelssohn: Sleepers, Wake!
Music for Communion: trad. Welsh hymn: Bread of Heaven [ARFON]
Hymn of Communion: #461 In Remembrance [RED]
Offertory: Philip Moore: Veni Emmanuel (organ)
Anthem: T. Frederick H. Candlyn: Thee We Adore
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration: #245 O Come, O Come, Emmanuel [VENI EMMANUEL]
Postlude: Eric Carlson: O Come, O Come, Emmanuel (piano)
DECEMBER 11 (Advent III) (Carol Service) (with Perseid String Quartet)
All selections by Ralph Vaughan Williams except where indicated
The Truth From Above
And All In The Morning (string quartet version)
The Salutation Carol
Congregational Hymn: Come, All You Faithful Christians [HEREFORD CAROL]
The Sussex Mummers’ Carol
Down In Yon Forest (string quartet version)
Joseph And Mary
The Birth Of The Saviour (string quartet version)
Wither’s Rocking Hymn
Carol (arr. from viola solo for Lionel Tertis) (organ)
On Christmas Night (Sussex Carol)
Sasha Johnson Manning: On Christmas Day (world premiere) (piano + strings)
Congregational Hymn: Shepherds Left Their Flocks A-Straying [QUEM PASTORES LAUDAVERE]
The Golden Carol
The Birth Of The Saviour (string quartet version)
Wassail Song (string quartet version)
If Ye Would Hear The Angels Sing (Dutch Carol)
Congregational Hymn: O Little Town Of Bethlehem [FOREST GREEN]
Postlude: Edwin T. Childs: Forest Green (organ)
DECEMBER 18 (Advent IV)
Prelude: Percy Grainger: The Sussex Mummers’ Carol (piano)
Introit: J. S. Bach: Dearest Lord Jesus
Poem: Rowan Williams: Advent Calendar
Hymn of Affirmation: Isaiah The Prophet [SAMANTHRA]
Offertory: Christopher Tambling: Still, Still, Still (organ)
Responsorial Psalm 80
Anthem: Douglas Nolan: A Prayer for Advent
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration #240 Of The Father’s Love Begotten [DIVINUM MYSTERIUM]
Postlude: Sasha Johnson Manning: December (A Year at Third) (world premiere) (piano)
DECEMBER 24 (Christmas Eve) (Evening Service)
Prelude: Judith Bingham: Dawn of Redeeming Grace (based on “Stille Nacht”) (organ)
Introit: Ralph Vaughan Williams: The Truth From Above
Litany/Poem: G. K. Chesterton: The House Of Christmas
Hymn of Affirmation: #286 Once In Royal David’s City [IRBY]
Offertory: Ned Rorem: A Talisman for Jim on Christmas Eve (piano)
Responsorial Psalm 98
Anthem: John Ness Beck: Every Valley
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration #277 Hark! The Herald Angels Sing [MENDELSSOHN]
Postlude: Paul Fey: Toccata on “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing!” (organ)
DECEMBER 25 (Christmas Day)
Prelude: Dan Forrest: Joy To The World
Introit: Gustav Holst: I Saw Three Ships
Litany/Poem: Anne Brontë: Music on Christmas Morning
Hymn of Affirmation #249 O Come, All Ye Faithful (ADESTE FIDELES]
Offertory: Henry Balfour Gardiner: Noel (piano)
Responsorial Psalm 97
Anthem: E. J. Moeran: Christmas Day In The Morning
Hymn of Invitation & Declaration: #273 Good Christian Men, Rejoice [IN DULCI JUBILO]
Postlude: Rebecca Groom te Velde: God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen (organ)