Des Peres Baptist Church Endowment Fund for Ministries Within the City

The Des Peres Baptist Church Endowment Fund (DPBC/EF) was created by a generous gift from the former Des Peres Baptist Church to support work in the inner city.

The money is separated from general funds of Third Baptist Church (TBC), and a special five-member Urban Ministries Board oversees the allocation of funds. This fund provides financial resources for an individual, group, or TBC Ministry Team project that fulfills the mission of Third Baptist and the Des Peres Baptist Church Endowment Fund.

The mission of Third Baptist Church:

Third Baptist Church is a caring congregation of believers who have accepted, by faith, the saving power of Jesus Christ, and who are committed to the furtherance of God's Kingdom. "Our mission is to worship God and share Jesus Christ in the metropolitan area of St. Louis and throughout the world, and to minister in love to the physical and spiritual needs of all people."

The mission of the Des Peres Baptist Church Endowment fund:

The Des Peres Baptist Church Endowment Fund for Inner-City Ministries at Third Baptist Church is to provide funding for compassionate and relevant ministries in St. Louis city that address spiritual and physical needs as the Church strives to be the presence of Christ in the city for good.


  • A request of $1,000-$5,000 can be submitted for review. Grants will be awarded based on available funds. Generally, the goal is to provide funds to multiple projects at different organizations.
  • Applicants may be asked to present their request to The Urban Committee.
  • Grants will not be considered for:
    • An organization’s operating or capital expenses.
    • Salaries of TBC ministerial or lay staff.
    • Incomplete application / incomplete budget.
  • Funding decisions are final, there is no outside review or appeal process.
  • An evaluation is required after each project as outlined on the last page of the application. Projects without an evaluation will not be considered for future grants.

Directions for Completing Form

  • Please complete and submit this application using an electronic version of the form. Printed copies are available from the TBC office or an Urban Ministries Board member. 
  • Use as much space as needed to complete each question keeping clarity and brevity in mind.
  • Return completed printed applications to Third Baptist Church, or electronically by email to, subject line: “Urban Ministries Board”.

Grant Notifications

Notification of the award will be made approximately 30 days after the application deadline. Funds may not be available to grantees for up to four weeks following notification.

Current Grant Cycle

The Des Peres Baptist Church Endowment Fund has two application cycles throughout the year. There is a spring and fall grant season. The spring cycle concluded and more information for the fall cycle will be released on October 1, 2024.