Become a Member

We invite people to join Third Baptist as a member, as together we seek to be a Christ-like community—cultivating love,  joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness and faithfulness.

How to Become a Member

The primary means of joining Third? Simply come forward and present yourself for membership during the Hymn of Invitation, near the end of Sunday Morning worship. You will be introduced and your decision will be celebrated by a loving community.

What are the next steps?

These are the primary means of joining the church:

  • Reaffirm your baptism from another church of any Christian tradition.
  • Statement of faith in Jesus Christ and request for baptism.
  • Transfer of membership from previous church.

And we use common sense for various options, if unable to connect on Sundays or other circumstances. In these cases, please contact Dr. Tommy Simons,